Loraine McLellan

Business and Technology Strategist

Loraine McLellan

Business and Technology Strategist

“There must be a better approach to cancer than ‘one size fits all’. We need more tailored solutions for each individual’s cancer challenge.”

Loraine McLellan has experienced cancer from a number of perspectives. Her son was diagnosed at age nine with brain cancer in 2000, and her spouse was also diagnosed with cancer the same year. Loraine was diagnosed with stage four NHL in 2012, and was offered a remarkably similar chemotherapy protocol to that of her son – though it was years later and his cancer was of a very different variety.

She received a full chemo treatment until she could no longer withstand the side effects. Loraine’s strong dosage of chemo subsequently caused significant immune issues, resulting in the need for a monthly infusion for the duration of her life in order to sustain wellness. The idea of tailoring treatment to her individual tolerances, using genomic sequencing and leading to a personalized vaccine, became more than an intriguing concept.

As a result, Loraine decided to join the ennov1 Founding Member team to pursue an approach to cancer beyond the three standard offerings of surgery, chemo and radiation.

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